● バーチャルリアリティー・スクールの現状について
● アメリカのバーチャルリアリティー・スクールでの授業
● バーチャルリアリティー・スクールの問題点と今後の課題
Virtual-Reality School as the Ultimate School Choice
The conservative education activist Erika Donalds envisions a world where parents can opt out of traditional public school by putting their kids in a headset.
It’s 6 a.m. A little girl, who looks to be about ten years old, hits the button on her alarm clock. She eats a bowl of cereal and brushes her teeth and hair before going to school. In class, she takes notes while her teacher, Mrs. Marty, gives a lesson. Then everyone puts on spacesuits and helmets, and the class relocates to outer space.
This is the vision for a new kind of education sold in a promotional video for Optima Academy Online, an all-virtual school that was launched in 2022. The little girl, like most of her classmates and teachers, spends a good part of her day in a Meta Quest 2 headset—a set of one-pound white goggles that extends in a single band across her eyes. She wears the headset on and off for about three hours, removing it to read a book, eat a sandwich, and hot-glue some sort of tinfoil art. Her classmates are scattered across different towns, and her teachers live all over the country. In the video, the little girl doesn’t have a single in-person interaction.
これは、2022年に開校したオールバーチャルの学校、オプティマ・アカデミー・オンラインのプロモーションビデオで売られている新しい教育のビジョンです。この少女は、他のクラスメイトや教師と同じように、1日の大半を「メタ・クエスト 2ヘッドセット」で過ごしています。このヘッドセットは、重さが1ポンドの白いゴーグルのセットで、バンドで繋がり彼女の眼を覆っています。彼女はヘッドセットを約3時間の間につけたり外したりし、本を読んだり、サンドイッチを食べたり、アルミホイルアートのようなものを接着剤で貼ったりするときは、ヘッドセットを外します。彼女のクラスメートは別々の町に散らばっており、教師は全国各地に住んでいます。このビデオでは、少女は彼らと一度も直接やりとりすることはありません。
VR School Explained | What Is Optima Classical Academy?
The virtual school is part of OptimaEd, a company in Florida founded by Erika Donalds, a forty-three-year-old conservative education activist. During the past school year, the academy enrolled more than a hundred and seventy full-time students up to eighth grade from all over Florida—a number that OptimaEd will roughly double this fall.
Starting in third grade, full-time students wear a headset for thirty to forty minutes at a time, for four or five sessions, with built-in pauses so that the students don’t experience visual fatigue. (Younger students do something closer to regular virtual school, using Microsoft Teams and Canvas.) In the afternoon, kids complete their coursework independently, with teachers available to answer questions digitally.
OptimaEd is possible because of Florida’s distinctive education-policy landscape. The state was one of the pioneers of the school-choice movement. Ever since Jeb Bush was governor, in the early two-thousands, Florida has provided various kinds of vouchers to students from poor families, and later to those with disabilities, allowing them to purchase courses from companies like OptimaEd.
Governor Ron DeSantis expanded that program by making all students eligible for education vouchers, funded with the money that would otherwise go toward their public-school education. This legislation has made it even easier for parents to use state dollars for OptimaEd’s products. But the company is also quickly expanding beyond Florida. This fall, it’s providing V.R. services to students in Arizona—another state that has embraced school choice—and parts of Michigan.
OptimaEd bills its education as classical, with an emphasis on the intellectual traditions of Western civilization and the liberal arts. Younger students learn phonics and diagram sentences. Older ones read the great books and the Constitution. Teachers talk a lot about virtues, such as courage and self-government. “It’s a very traditional, back-to-basics education,” Donalds said on a podcast recently.
Erika Donalds has built an experiment in total parental control over education. “I see a huge and growing industry of à-la-carte education options—the ability to customize the experience both physically and geographically,” Donalds said. “We’ve been told that only certified teachers in a traditional classroom environment can deliver instruction. And we know that’s just not true.”
She believes that virtual-reality school hits many of the benefits of in-person learning—real-time instruction, classmates, field trips—while letting families build the schedules and communities they want. If parents aren’t satisfied with whatever ideas their local public school is pushing, they can opt out by putting their kid in a headset. “If you entrust your child with us, you know that the curriculum is not going to be contrary to what you’re teaching at home,” she said.