ニューヨークタイムズ誌のナターシャ・シンガー(Natasha Singer)記者は、教育とテクノロジーの関係について多くのレポートを記事にしています。
How teachers and students feel about A.I.
As the school year begins, their thinking has evolved.
By Natasha Singer
Teaching with A.I.
I love A.I. chatbots! I use them to make variations on quiz questions. I have them check my instructions for clarity. I have them brainstorm activity and assignment ideas. I’ve tried using them to evaluate student essays, but it isn’t great at that.
— Katy Pearce, associate professor, University of Washington
- ケイティ・ピアース、ワシントン大学准教授
Before they even use ChatGPT, I help students discern what is worth knowing, figuring out how to look it up, and what information or research is worth “outsourcing” to A.I. I also teach students how to think critically about the data collected from the chatbot — what might be missing, what can be improved and how they can expand the “conversation” to get richer feedback.
私は、学生がチャットGPTを使う場合でもその前に、何を知りたいと思っているのか、どうやって調べればいいのか、A.I.に 頼む価値のある情報や研究は何なのかを見極める指導をしています。また、チャットボットから収集されたデータについて批判的に考える方法(何が欠けているか、何を改善できるか、より豊かなフィードバックを得るためにどのように「会話」を広げられるか)を教えています。
— Nicole Haddad, Southern Methodist University
- ニコル・ハッダード、サザンメソジスト大学
Studying with A.I. tools
I used ChatGPT and a math plug-in to help prepare me in geometry for next year. That was very helpful for me because you can ask it a million questions and it never gets tired. It was like my personalized tutor in math.
— Amedeo Bettauer, age 13, rising ninth grader, Brookline High School
- アメデオ・ベタウアー、13歳、新中学3年生、ブルックライン高校
A.I. chatbots are making it a lot easier for students to understand difficult concepts in a simple way. The tailored responses one can obtain through specific prompts are incredible. It can provide students with endless examples of how to outline essays, business plans and emails. It’s a real time saver.
— Sam Avery, recent graduate, University of Iowa
- サム・エイブリー、アイオワ大学の新卒
A.I. chatbots can give students an out. You don’t have to think about a text deeply or write about a connection that you had to find, you can simply just ask a robot to analyze a quote and it will do it in a matter of seconds. I don’t know the effects that A.I. will have on students in the long run but I just don’t want it to make students lazy, as the joy of learning is that “AHA!” moment that comes from figuring something out yourself.
— Emma Nazario, first-year student, Wheaton College
- エマ・ナザリオ、ホイートン・カレッジ1年生
I think that the very best students will be fine. At less resourced universities than my own, I foresee an ever yawning gap between the privileged and everyone else, between those who know how to use A.I. as a tool and those who don’t know that there is anything to know.
— Ricardo Galliano Court, assistant dean for academic integrity and undergraduate research, Northwestern University
- リカルド・ガリアーノ・コート、ノースウェスタン大学、学術的公正および学部研究担当副学部長
A lesson plan for the A.I. era
For educators looking for inspiration, Ethan Mollick, an associate professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania who thinks a lot about generative A.I. in the classroom, has some great suggestions.
Ethan Mollick
On Kevin’s “Hard Fork” podcast, Ethan talked about how teachers and students might use the tools in the coming school year. Here are a few snippets of the conversation, condensed and edited.
ケビン・ルース(Kevin Roose)と、ケイシー・ニュートン(Casey Newton)が、ハイテク関連の質問に答える、ポッドキャスト「ハードフォーク」で、イーサンは教師や生徒が来年度どのようにツールを使うかについて話しました。以下は、その会話の要約された一部です。
Can schools stop students from cheating with A.I. chatbots?
“The short answer is no. The long answer is A.I. use is undetectable. You can’t ask A.I. to detect A.I. It’s just going to lie to you. Every instinct we have about how to stop plagiarism doesn’t work. You can change how you teach. You could have people do oral exams. But the old homework assignment is basically cracked by A.I.”
How can teachers adapt?
“You may have to hold people accountable with in-class exams, with having the Wi-Fi turned off, your Chromebook in demo mode. There are ways of solving this problem in the short term. I think the bigger, longer-term problem is what does this all mean? What does this change about education?"
How should students approach generative A.I.?
“I would demand clarity. Does this mean that I’m allowed to use A.I. to generate ideas? Could A.I. come with an outline that I work on? Can I ask for feedback from A.I. in my work? Am I allowed to use A.I. as a teammate? Can I ask the A.I. advice for something? Can I ask to explain why I got a question right or wrong? I think you are allowed as a student to ask for what does this mean, while being patient with your teachers that they haven’t figured it out either. Nobody knows the answer.”
「私なら学生に次のことについてはっきりさせておくな。アイデアを出すのにA.I.を使ってもいいのか? 自分に対する課題の概略をA.I.に作ってもらってもいいのか? 自分の勉強でA.I.にフィードバックを求めてもいいのか? A.I.をチームの一員として使ってもいいのか? A.I.にアドバイスを求めてもいいのか? 問題の正誤の理由の説明をA.I.に求めてもいいのか? これはどういう意味ですかって生徒が尋ねるのは構わないと思う。先生もどういう意味なのか分からければ、先生の答えを我慢強く待っていなくちゃいけないんだから。そしてそれは誰も分からないってことだから。」
One educator’s view
Jennifer Parnell, a history teacher at the Lawrenceville School, an independent school in Lawrenceville, N.J., was an early classroom adopter of ChatGPT. She began trying out A.I. chatbots in December and immediately incorporated the tools into her honors U.S. history and environmental science courses.
“I’m fascinated by the potential of this technology, albeit a little bit terrified,” she wrote in response to our reader callout. I called her on Wednesday to learn more about the ways she’s been using the A.I. tools with her high school students.
For a final exam in U.S. history, for instance, she used ChatGPT to manufacture an essay and then asked her students to analyze the A.I.-generated text for errors and rewrite it. Students also fed their own essays into the A.I. tool and asked it for feedback on the quality of their sources.
Parnell said she still has concerns about the use of A.I. tools in schools, including issues of bias, privacy and academic honesty. But she believed the potential benefits outweighed the downsides.
“A.I. has pushed teachers to think more intentionally about the purpose of education and specifically assessment,” she said. “As a teacher, if I’m asking questions that are easily answered by A.I., am I asking the best questions?”