2回に渡って、ニューヨークタイムズから、"Writing Prompts About Food, Family and Culture"をお届けしましたが、このサイトで、実際に高校生が書いた英文を見ることができます。
I think cultural food symbolizes identity and culture. Especially with immigrant families, recipes that have been passed down through generations have symbolized a taste of home. I am a first generation American and the majority of my extended family lives 3,000 miles away. The thought of an Irish shepherd’s pie makes me feel safe and nostalgic, reflecting on memories of spending time with my grandparents. Cultural food is a reminder that wherever you go your identity and values follow.
— Ella, W.T. Clarke High School, Westbury, N.Y.
--- エラ、W.T.クラーク高校、ウェストベリー、ニューヨーク州
I enjoy large get-togethers because I don’t have any relatives in the United States apart from my immediate family. These get-togethers, therefore, are almost always with other families in the local Chinese community. The community is effectively an extended family when the real relatives are on the other side of the world … The food is always a potluck, with many Chinese dishes coming together to satisfy the hunger for the children and to remind the adults of their home. We always eat together, and I think this is one of the most important things connecting us.
- Jack from Hoggard High School, Wilmington, N.C