Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語





"Tammany Hall" (タマニーホール)を知らなかったからです。

Tammany Hall
Many New Yorkers condemned the graft and political corruption associated with Tammany Hall --- the Democratic Party political machine that influenced city politics throughout the 19th century. For New York's Irish immigrant community, however, Tammany was a source of aid, advocacy, and leadership.


The Tammany Society --- later Tammany Hall --- was founded in New York City in 1789 as an institution to help the poor. Within a decade, the society entered politics. It soon became the major organization for the Democratic Party in the city, and remained so for ever a century. By the mid 19th-century, a strong relationship based on patronage and loyalty had developed between Tammany Hall and New York's Irish immigrants. Tammany Hall recognized the voting potential of this large Irish population, and sought to win support by championing immigrant rights, providing social services and jobs, and even distributing food and heating fuel.


Tammany's ward bosses, like George Washington Plunkitt, worked on a grassroots level in city neighborhoods. Immigrants in need of a job, medical care, or other aid would appeal to them, so that they could use their influence to help. Tammany Hall was also an avenue for upward mobility, through patronage, providing leadership positions to Irish Americans like Richard Croker and Honest John Kelly, among others. In return for this much-needed assistance, Tammany Hall expected the Irish to turn out to vote. And they did --- the Irish repeatedly rewarded Tammany Hall politicians with electoral loyalty. 


タマニーホール設立は1789年で、「タマニー」の語源は、アメリカ先住民レナペ族の狩猟のタマネンド(セント・タマニー)に由来すると言われています。アーロン・バー(Aaron Burr)が第二代会長で、彼が会長に就任して以来一気に政治色が増しました。彼は1800年の大統領選で副大統領に就任しています。アーロン・バーで、「あっ!」と思った方、有難うございます。



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お楽しみいただけましたでしょうか? MisTyもびっくりしました。。。(^_^)


