Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語





今日は、ニューヨークタイムズのメールマガジン、"N.Y. Today"から、最近の地下鉄の状況について考えてみます。

N.Y. Today: Scared on the subway

By James Barron

It was another random attack in the subway, and it rattled New York City’s already shaken confidence in the transit system.


That could stall officials’ efforts to bring passengers back to a transit system that has been struggling to lift ridership from the lows of the pandemic. And, as Mayor Eric Adams acknowledged, the same concern poses a challenge for his push to bring workers back to Manhattan offices.


“The call is to come back to work, and the subway system being safe is a major driver to doing that,” Adams said at a news conference on Monday. “When you have an incident like this, it sends a chilling impact. There’s no getting around that.”


Compounding some passengers’ uneasiness, the gunman remains at large. The search continued as the police released photos of the wanted man, wearing a dark blue jacket with a hood and a light blue medical mask. “We need all eyes on this,” Police Commissioner Keechant Sewell wrote on Twitter.


The shooting on Sunday came just six weeks after another gunman opened fire in a crowded rush hour subway car in Brooklyn, shooting 10 people and injuring at least 13 more. By contrast, the assailant on Sunday fired a single shot, striking Daniel Enriquez, 48, who was on his way to brunch in Manhattan.


Enriquez, a researcher with the investment bank Goldman Sachs, was the fourth person killed in the transit system this year. The subway is still undeniably safe — most of the time. According to police statistics, the same number of deaths had been recorded by this time last year. Major felony crime on buses and subways represents just 2 percent of overall city crime, the same level as before the pandemic, but ridership is 40 percent lower.


ニューヨークの地下鉄での銃乱射事件は、こういうものだった。 - Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語

“You have a better chance of winning the lottery than getting victimized in the subway — certainly the Pick 6,” said Christopher Herrmann, an assistant professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. “The reality is the numbers are low.”


Still, on Monday morning at the Canal Street station — where the gunman left the train on Sunday after shooting Enriquez — Dominique Lachelle, 29, was apprehensive, adding that she had changed her commuting routine. When a seat is available, she no longer takes it.

それでも, 月曜日の朝にカナルストリート駅で、29歳のドミニク・ラッシェルは悪い予感がしていたのだ。その駅は銃を持った男が日曜日、エンリケを撃ったあと電車を降りたところだったのだし、さらに(違う血電車に乗って、通勤ルートを変えたからだ。彼女はもう、車内で席があいたとしても座ることはない。

“I stand up now,” she said, “and I go and stand close to the doors so I can escape to another car if I need to. I don’t want to be caught in the middle.”




