Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語



海外ドラマ"Person Of Interest"(パーソン・オブ・インタレスト)シーズンII、エピソード11の"2πr"(完全なる方程式)のスクリプトをとりあげています。


Caleb Phipps: What are you doing here?
ケイレブ: (先生)、何してるんですか、ここで。

Harold Finch: You're so smart, Caleb. Ask me something you don't know. The thing about being reckless - taking chances - is that you make a lot of mistakes, cause a lot of grief.
フィンチ: ケイレブ、君はすごく頭がいい。自分が分からないことを聞きなさい。無謀であること、つまり危険なカケというのは、多くの過ちをおかすことで、多くの悲しみを生むのだ。

Caleb Phipps: Gonna start lecturing me on mistakes? How I need to live and learn? Move on? That's really inspiring, Mr. Swift. I'd stand up on my desk and clap for you.

Harold Finch: No. Your mistakes, like mine, are part of who you are now. You can't move on from that. Believe me. I've made a sizable number. But... sometimes your mistakes can surprise you. My biggest mistake, for instance... brought me here. At exactly this moment when you might need some help.
フィンチ: そうじゃない。君の過ち、私の過ちも同じだが、今の我々の一部なんだ。そこから抜け出して前進することはできない。私は数多くの間違いを犯してきた。でも時に間違いは人を驚かせる。例えば、私が今ここにいるのは、自分の一番大きな過ちがここに私を導いたからだ。まさに君が助けを必要としているこの瞬間にだ。

Seventeen years, 6 months, and 21 days into your life.
The age at which your brother died.
The age you’ve chosen to end your life too.

So you see,
Maybe you and I are connected. Two reckless people.

Caleb Phipps: Yeah? Then what's the use? We're just gonna keep breaking things. Over and over. Why not save everyone the grief?
ケイレブ: そうですかね。それが何の役に立つんです?色んなものを壊してばかりだ。何度も何度も。みんなを悲しんだりしませんよ。

Harold Finch: The thing about the world is that it doesn't have any extra pieces.
It's like pi: it contains everything. You remove a single piece, no circle. Your recklessness, your mistakes, are the reason why when they say, "You can't change the world." you won't listen. 
フィンチ: 世の中で大切なことは、そこに余分なものなどないってことだ。π(パイ)のようにね。πはそのなかにすべてを含んでいるんだ。たった一つのピースを失うだけで、それは円にならない。人が「お前には世界は変えられない」って言う時に、耳をかさずに行動する、その無謀さと過ちがあるからこそ、世界を変えることができるのだよ。

The world is better off with both of us in it, Caleb, rather than the alternative. 

Caleb Phipps: Yeah? You sure about that?
ケイレブ: そうでしょうか。本当に?

Harold Finch: Yes, and your mom is better off with you in it. If you think money can replace you, you haven't seen the whole equation.
フィンチ: そうだとも。君のお母さんは君にいてもらいたいと思ってる。お金が君のかわりになれると思ってるのなら、君はすべての方程式を分かっちゃいないね。

Take it from someone who thought leaving would make it easier on everyone and then learned otherwise.


Harold Finch : Pi. Can any of you tell me what it means?

[There's no response from the class]

Harold Finch: I'll settle for an intelligent question here.

Lily Williams: My friend has a question, Mr. Swift. "What is any of this good for, and when would we ever use it?"

Harold Finch: Let me show you. Pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, and this is just the beginning; it keeps on going, forever, without ever repeating.


Which means that contained within this string of decimals, is every single other number. Your birthdate, combination to your locker, your social security number, it's all in there, somewhere. 


And if you convert these decimals into letters, you would have every word that ever existed in every possible combination; the first syllable you spoke as a baby, the name of your latest crush, your entire life story from beginning to end, everything we ever say or do; all of the world's infinite possibilities rest within this one simple circle.


Now, what you do with that information, what it’s good for, that would be up to you.

"Person Of Interest"は5シーズンすべてDVDが出ています。

パーソン・オブ・インタレスト 1st-5th シーズン DVD全巻セット (27枚組)
パーソン・オブ・インタレスト 1st-5th シーズン DVD全巻セット (27枚組)

Englishラボ MisTy

