Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語




ニューヨークタイムズに年齢に応じたプレゼントの選び方のアドバイスが載っていますので、読みたいと思います。原文はニューヨークタイムズのWirecutter (by Caitlin Giddings and Wirecutter Staffこちら)からです。


When kids reach the age of 3, the gift-giving game changes. Many kids are more likely to know what they want. Lots of them will have more opinions, interests, and language to express their excitement than they had in the past. But that doesn’t negate the thrill of a good surprise. “Often the idea of receiving a gift is what’s exciting for them, not necessarily what the gift is,” said Heather Singh, who until recently was the director of educational programs at the Thinkery, a children’s museum in Austin, Texas.


Three-year-olds are ready for toys that foster lots of imaginative play, Singh said. So open-ended playthings that inspire storytelling and creative engagement are better than one-trick ponies. Toys and costumes that allow for role-playing and board games that encourage group interaction nurture 3-year-olds’ developing social skills. And many kids at this age are ready for speedier, sleeker movement toys—like scooters and trikes—that reward their growing physical confidence.



Many 4-year-olds are learning to master their environments—and to negotiate boundaries, push limits, and question everything. Some of the best gifts for 4-year-olds engage their endless curiosity, rapidly developing physical skills, and desire to understand everything around them.


※ 文中の"STEM"とは、Science(科学)、Technology(技術)、Engineering(工学)、Mathematics(数学)の単語の頭文字をとったものです。現在教育については、この(理系)分野を早い段階から進めるのが良いというのが先進国の考え方になっています。

Early STEM toys—those that help develop skills related to science, technology, engineering, and math—allow preschoolers to experiment with the strength, size, and shape of objects, and to explore cause and effect (hopefully without breaking too many things). Along with classic wooden blocks, building toys that feature magnets, gears, curves, and wheels allow 4-year-olds to problem-solve independently.


Jena Olson, who was the president of the STEM educational nonprofit Kid Spark Education at the time of our interview, emphasizes other, lesser-known skills that STEM toys can help preschoolers develop: “Children learn language and cooperation,” she said. “They refine their physical skills, including fine motor skills, as they push and pull pieces apart.” Gifts that encourage art and creativity, as well as games and movement toys that allow for silly and energetic play, are also great choices for kids of this age. (You may have noticed that STEAM—which adds an emphasis on the arts to STEM’s existing focus on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics—has been picking up, ahem, steam over recent years.)



By the time kids are 5, they’re developing skills and more-specific interests that open up new gift-giving possibilities. Many 5-year-olds are starting kindergarten, and they’re exploring new subjects and ideas in school for the first time. Toys and kits that let them engage in project-based inquiry—such as performing simple science experiments and exploring nature—can help them make connections between what they’re exposed to in the classroom and what they experience out in the world.


Learning is at the center of a 5-year-old’s life, but that doesn’t mean they need so-called educational toys. Kids automatically get an educational benefit from any number of well-designed, engaging toys, said John Tenuto, a sociology instructor at the College of Lake County, in Grayslake, Illinois, who has studied toys and collectibles (and is an expert featured on the Netflix series The Toys That Made Us).



Count Your Chickens ($16 at the time of publication)
Cooperative counting games

Learning Resources Smart Snacks Shape Sorting Cupcakes (about $16 at the time of publication)
Clever cupcakes

Peaceable Kingdom Dinosaur Escape Game
(about $15 at the time of publication)

Dino rescue

ThinkFun Zingo!
(about $19 at the time of publication)
Bingo with a zing

Gentle Booms Sports Family Obstacle Course

(about $100 at the time of publication)

An at-home Ninja course

Crazy Forts
(about $50 at the time of publication)
First-rate fort building




