Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語






Most 6-year-olds attend school daily, many participate in extracurricular activities, and just about all of them have strongly defined opinions about what they like and don’t like. Kids this age are also becoming increasingly aware of what’s cool among their peers at any given moment.


It can be tempting to stick with what you already know your 6-year-old is interested in, but there’s value in introducing them to new passions, as well as in encouraging preexisting ones, said John Tenuto, a sociology instructor at the College of Lake County in Grayslake, Illinois, who has studied toys and collectibles. For example, the child who loves craft projects might enjoy building a robot; the budding scientist might like to try their hand at gardening.


At this age, typically developing kids are increasingly able to follow instructions and manipulate more-complex materials, so try projects and kits that 6-year-olds can work on independently or with friends (likely with an adult nearby). Being able to complete a project on their own—even if they make a mess or skip a step along the way—can help them develop resilience and confidence. 


Six-year-olds are often also ready for a variety of board games that require some skill and patience and challenge them to follow more-complicated rules. And kids this age still need plenty of open-ended play, exercise, and silliness, so toys that get them moving, dancing, or using their imagination are also good choices.



As 7-year-olds transition from being little kids to grade-schoolers, they start showing off their ability to engage in complex thinking. Some may be ready for toys and games that require longer-term planning, strategizing, and decision-making, so it’s a great time to incorporate board games that encourage problem-solving, said Brian Mayer, a gaming, learning, and library specialist in New York. “You want something that’s challenging for them and pushes them a little bit.”


Seven-year-olds are also developing more spatial awareness, so look for toys and kits that inspire them to think about how pieces fit together, said Hilary Conklin, professor at DePaul University’s College of Education. Challenging puzzles “foster a sense of accomplishment [when things go right], and resilience when things go wrong,” Conklin said.


Kids this age may also be ready for toys that introduce them to the basics of coding, especially those that help them explore fundamental programming concepts in a tangible way. There’s also space for one-and-done craft or project kits, which can be launching pads to new hobbies and interests.



At age 8, many kids are ready to level up to more-advanced toys and activities. A lot of 8-year-olds are playing team sports, getting involved in other clubs or hobbies, and tackling increasingly challenging projects on their own.


Kids who end up pursuing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers may start developing those interests by age 8, said Tamara Moore, a professor of engineering education at Purdue University and the executive director of Inspire, a research institute in the university’s School of Engineering Education. (The research group reviews numerous engineering toys, kits, and games for its annual gift guide.) 


Opportunity plays a role here: Age 8 could mark the time of the “first spark,” when kids see and understand that it’s possible for them to become scientists or engineers, Moore said. “So you want to capture their imagination.”


Many engineering toys are recommended for kids age 8 and older specifically because they have the dexterity to manipulate small pieces, the logic and reasoning skills to follow instructions, and the ability to focus on tasks for longer periods of time. Art supplies, craft kits, and creative games can also be a key part of the mix at this age (many educational researchers have noted the importance of expanding STEM to STEAM, to include an emphasis on art, design, and humanities).



4M Table Top Robot
(about $16 at the time of publication)

Haba Rhino Hero
($15 at the time of publication)
A towering card game

ThinkFun Invasion of the Cow Snatchers
(about $30 at the time of publication)
Cows in space

Educational Insights Artie 3000 The Coding Robot
 (about $50 at the time of publication)

Creative coding


JoyLabz Makey Makey Classic
(about $50 at the time of publication)
An invention kit from MIT

MaKey MaKey - An Invention Kit for Everyone


(about $75 at the time of publication)
A baller gift

Spikeball: The Basics


